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How to Generate Leads from Twitter

How to Generate Leads from Twitter

Twitter can help you grow your business if you use it properly. It can help you generate leads, build relationships with your prospects and strengthen your brand. All of this is possible if you build a large base of followers and engage on a regular basis. People are much more likely to hire a company that they follow on twitter which is how we have gained some our new clients recently. For years we had about 300 followers, dismal engagement and did very little with our account. However, we recently doubled our following in two short months and generated some leads by executing some of the simple tips below.

How to Remove a Website Hack

How to Remove a Website Hack

Having malicious code or spammy redirects on your WordPress website can cause Google to display “This site may be hacked” alert when someone searches for your website in Google. According to Forbes, 30,000 websites get hacked per day! To avoid losing traffic and being blacklisted, here is a step-by-step guide to help you remove the malware yourself.

Awesome Social Media Tips that Make You More Money

Awesome Social Media Tips that Make You More Money

According to Forbes, 78% of consumers say that social media posts influence their buying decisions. With 1.59 billion Facebook users, 305 million twitter users and tons of other social media platforms, if you are not active on social media to respond to your prospects, your competitors are which means that you will lose business to them. Whether you are a small, local operation or a global conglomerate, social media can help you build brand loyalty and relationships with your customers by sharing your company’s voice and personality with the rest of the world.

Get the Best Out of Your Web Design Agency

Get the Best Out of Your Web Design Agency

An effective website is the product of both hiring the right web design team and how you manage them. If you have chosen a web design company based on their portfolio, track record and responsiveness rather than just price, chances are good that you will end up with a successful website if you manage them properly. Like most business relationships, projects run more smoothly when everyone is working towards a clearly defined goal. While there are no strict rules, here are some best practices to get the most out of your creative agency.

What We Love and Hate About One-Page Websites

What We Love and Hate About One-Page Websites

The mobile revolution has made scrolling more preferential than clicking so the one-page website trend is here to stay. Do not be fooled by the simplicity of single-page websites, because they often have all the components of a multi-page website like full-page images, description of products or services, testimonials, photo gallery, testimonials and a contact form. Thanks to web development technologies like CSS3 and AJAX, you can conveniently direct your visitors to specific sections similar to a multi-page website. We are sure that you have seen them out there and we wanted to discuss some of the things that we love and hate about one page websites.

Deadly Web Design Mistakes that will Cost You

Deadly Web Design Mistakes that will Cost You

Oftentimes, clients come to us because their previous web design firm did not work out. Here we have outlined some of the most common web design mistakes we have encountered and how to avoid or fix them. Hopefully, you can learn from them.

A Must-Read for Technology Companies Designing a Website

A Must-Read for Technology Companies Designing a Website

Whether you are a new high-tech startup starting a new website or a more mature technology mogul looking to overhaul their existing web identity, here are some website recommendations that will dramatically improve your user experience and consequently your bottom line.

Free SEO Tools to Optimize Your Website for Google

Free SEO Tools to Optimize Your Website for Google

Google holds an astounding 67.6% of the U.S. search engine market according to Search Engine Watch, which is why we are focusing on them. Google’s rollout of Panda, Mobilegeddon, Penguin updates have really shaken up the SEO landscape. Most web designers and developers know that today’s Google cares a lot more about website speed, mobile-friendliness, unique content and user experience. If you want to rank organically, pre-made themes, duplicate or stale content, keyword stuffing or mobile-unfriendly websites will no longer cut the mustard.

Who Should You Send your RFP To?

Who Should You Send your RFP To?

Now that you have perfected a detailed and focused RFP, it is time to decide whom you want to bid on it. Shopping your RFP to every web designer or creative agency in town is counterproductive because the RFP process costs vendors a lot of research and writing time and the buyer a lot of evaluation time. Even though you are not directly paying for their responses, you will eventually as all costs are inevitably passed onto clients. To save time, money and frustration, you should do some preliminary research to find some fully qualified candidates who are within your budget instead of just mass emailing your RFP. Below are some tips on where to start your search.

How Do You Like Your Hamburger?

How Do You Like Your Hamburger?

If you have a phone or tablet, you likely interact with hamburger menus on mobile-friendly websites regularly. With the exponential growth of mobile users, websites need to condense their menus into much smaller screens. As an integral part of responsive web design, the hamburger icon is a universally accepted flyout menu that minimizes website navigation into three stacked bars to improve the mobile experience.

7 Essential SEO Techniques To Master

7 Essential SEO Techniques To Master

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of driving more traffic by making your website appear higher up in the organic (free) search results for a set of keywords. Please watch our video “SEO in Layman’s Terms” for a quick introduction. Google’s Penguin, Panda and Hummingbird algorithm updates over the last few years have really shaken up SEO and organic search results so we have summarized what you really need to know.

How a RFP is Like an Online Dating Profile

How a RFP is Like an Online Dating Profile

If you have ever needed a new website, then you may have written a request for proposal once or twice, otherwise known as an RFP. An RFP minimally consists of information about the company, project requirements, and a proposed timeline. It is a lot like a dating profile in that you are not just soliciting potential web design agencies to respond to you but you are also hoping that they pick you as well. You are trying to intrigue them to learn more about what it would be like to have a relationship with you. Just like online dating, you can get a sense if the prospect is the fit or not just by reading the RFP.