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What You Need to Know About Starting a Website

What You Need to Know About Starting a Website

If you are like most people, you have dreamed of quitting the rat race and starting your own business. The thing is, a lot of successful business owners have started their companies on the side with nothing more than a website, myself included. Remember that the best time to plant a tree is today. Here, we have compiled a checklist of what the basic things you need to start a new website.

How to Create a Promo Video for your Website

How to Create a Promo Video for your Website

According to Animoto, 73% of people are more likely to buy something after watching a video. A professional video increases website engagement, puts a friendly face in front of your products or services and shows off what you do best. As a small business, you are also selling yourself and a video is great way of introducing yourself. Anyone who watches this video will think, “yeah these guys got it.”

Why Do Web Design Prices Vary So Much?

Why Do Web Design Prices Vary So Much?

Anyone who has hired a web designer or creative agency knows that the price of a website can vary a lot. If you don’t know what I am talking about try getting a few companies to quote for a ten page informational mobile-friendly WordPress website with the exact same requirements you will get quotes ranging widely from $500 to $50,000 or more. Below we discuss the various reasons why these huge discrepancies occur.

11 Proven Ways to Engage Your Audience

11 Proven Ways to Engage Your Audience

The key to a successful website and driving more sales is high engagement. When you create unique and entertaining content on a regular basis, your visitors will always come back for more which will increase sharing and your page rank in organic search. By increasing website engagement, you can more effectively convert your prospects into customers. Below are some simple ways to increase website engagement and improve user experience to better hone in on your target market.

Why Premade Themes are Bad for Your Business

Why Premade Themes are Bad for Your Business

So if you have ever considered a WordPress website, you have probably seen the millions of premade WordPress themes out there. A premade WordPress theme can be purchased for about $60-$100 which means you can save thousands on your website, right? Well, not exactly because these short-term savings can hugely reduce sales long run as premade themes are riddled with issues, which we have outlined below. You get what you pay for so buyer beware…

How to Get on the First Page of Google

How to Get on the First Page of Google

Getting your website ranked organically for your keywords can really mean the difference between really succeeding and barely scraping by. According to Marketing Land on average, 71.33% of searches resulted in a page one Google organic click. This goes on to support the saying the best page to bury a dead body is on the second page of Google. We recently relaunched our website and we have worked our way back to the first page for “San Francisco web design, “San Francisco web designer” and “San Francisco website designer,” three of the most competitive search terms in our industry. Apart from SEO, here are the most important things that we did to earn our position on the first page of Google.

5 Web Design Trends You Must Know

5 Web Design Trends You Must Know

A lot of our clients are curious as to what we predict will be hot and new next year. We anticipate that all the web design trends for 2015 will continue to play out in 2016 with everything revolving around responsive web design and the mobile user experience. For the majority of companies who survive on business driven by their websites, forward-looking is the only way to approach a redesign project. Below, we have outlined some of our web design predictions.

How to Hire a Web Design Agency

How to Hire a Web Design Agency

We always get calls from companies where web designers have run off with their deposits or suddenly gone missing. Worse yet, some opt to save a few bucks and hire their friend or relative to do it for “free” only to realize that opportunity costs were far greater than the savings. Running a web design business, I get these kinds of frantic fix-it calls everyday, which is why I have decided to share my best tips for hiring the right web design firm the first time around.

Best Email Marketing Strategies to Get More Sales

Best Email Marketing Strategies to Get More Sales

Did you know that it takes on average 7-13+ touchpoints before a lead turns into a sale? Customer touchpoints are your brand’s points of customer contact. Effective email marketing can serve as one of those crucial touch points in addition to seeing an online ad, visiting your website, reading your reviews, calling sales, shopping at your store. In addition, consistent email marketing can remind your prospects and idle clients of the valuable products and services your company offers when a need arises.

Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Creative Agency

Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Creative Agency

We spend a lot of time talking to companies about their websites here. Over the last four years, we have talked to over 500 prospects in many different industries from young startups to established corporations. We have pretty much heard it all. Unfortunately, a lot of people make the same mistakes. Although we recommend that you perform your own research, interviewing and due diligence, we have outlined some common mistakes people make so you can learn from them.

How to Define the Scope of your eCommerce Website

How to Define the Scope of your eCommerce Website

We get tons of inquires asking “How much is it to create a simple eCommerce website?” Well to that we say, there is no such thing. Before you start calling web design agencies for quotes, you should always have a detailed document with an outline of your website and all the functionalities and features you require.

Google Now Requires Websites to be Mobile-Friendly

Google Now Requires Websites to be Mobile-Friendly

Google has recently announced that having a mobile-friendly website will be used as one of the factors to determine your website rankings. This means that if your website is not mobile-friendly, you will start slipping from search results at least when searches are originating from mobile devices. How fast this happens depends on how your competition reacts. If you do not have a responsive (mobile-friendly) website yet, now is the time to convert. It will take some time for Google to update their search results so you do have some leeway.